Kunststof opslagtanks op maat
Kunststof opslagtanks op maat

As the largest tank manufacturer in the Benelux, custom plastic storage tanks are one of our flagship products. We build our high-quality tanks in various materials: PE (polyethylene), PP (polypropylene), PVDF...

In addition to fast delivery, CGK provides a comprehensive approach, including the installation and maintenance of storage tanks by our own certified technicians.We also offer filling installations, pump cabinets and piping in plastic, steel, or stainless steel.

VLAREM, BENOR, and Kiwa certified storage tanks

We produce safe, reliable storage tanks in compliance with the applicable standards:

  • Nederlandse requirements PGS31 with the Kiwa standard BRL-K21009

Of course, we manufacture our cylindrical tanks according to the DVS standard DVS2205 and the European standard EN 12573-2. These standards form the basis for a quality storage tank.

Most plastic storage tanks are legally required to be dual-walled and must have certain safety accessories. In some applications, such as for water, a single-walled tank is sufficient.

Our certificates

Transport opslagtank
Transport opslagtank
Reinder Verschuere

Need help choosing the right storage tank?

Contact Reinder Verschuere

Sales Engineer

Sheet material or spiral wound pipe, based on technology of Schoeller-Allibert

spiral wound pipe storage tanks

Schoeller-Allibert introduced the spiral wound pipe method for producing plastic storage tanks with high resistance. We apply the same extrusion winding method for the production of our tanks.

For strong acids or bases such as sulfuric acid or bleach, a storage tank made from spiral wound pipe is the ideal setup. The winding technique allows the cylinder to be built stress-free, preventing any stresses from occurring in the cylinder itself. After welding the base plate to the cylinder, this weld is tempered.

The spiral wound pipe can also be a good solution for tall tanks with a small diameter or for high temperatures. This production method ensures that a thick wall is possible even with a small diameter.

Storage tanks made from sheet material

Depending on the medium or economic advantages, storage tanks made from sheet material may be the best solution. By offering storage tanks made from sheet material, we always guarantee the best price. We achieve this through extensive standardization of your custom-made tank and our flexible machinery, which includes a welding robot, our sheet welding machine for sheets up to 4 meters, and our CNC milling machine.

Storage tanks up to 100 m³

Thanks to our impressive capacity, we can produce storage tanks with:

  • Volumes up to 100 m³
  • Diameters up to 5 meters
  • Heights up to 10 meters

In our new production hall, starting from September 2023, we even have 20 meters under the hook.

Opslagtanks op maat - productiehal
Opslagtanks op maat - productiehal

typical applications

Kunststof opslagtanks voor Bio Base
Kunststof opslagtanks voor Bio Base
  • Hydrochloric Acid HCl
  • Citric Acid C₆H₈O₇
  • Nitric Acid HNO₃
  • Sodium Hydroxide NaOH
  • Phosphoric Acid H3PO4
  • Sulfuric Acid H₂SO₄
  • Ammonia NH3
  • Sodium Bisulfite NaHSO3
  • Sodium Chlorite NaClO2
  • Ferric Chloride FeCl3
  • Ferric Chloride Sulfate FeClSO 4
  • Sodium Hypochlorite NaOCl
  • Urea CH₄N₂O
  • Calcium Nitrate Ca(NO₃)₂
  • Hydrogen Peroxide H2O2
  • Hydrogen Chloride HCl
  • Potassium Hydroxide KOH
  • Calciumchloride CaCl2
  • Sodium Carbonate Na₂CO₃
  • Aluminum Sulfate Al2(SO4)3
  • Urea CH₄N₂O

Calculation of a plastic storage tank

The calculation of each plastic tank is done fully automated with specialized software that considers:

  • Choice of materials (HDPE, PVC, PP, PVDF, polyester...)
  • Environmental factors (such as indoor or outdoor installation of the plastic tank, wind load & snow load, dimensional constraints)
  • Chemical resistance
  • Under and overpressure
  • Ambient and medium temperature

Free handy tank guide

No idea how to choose the right tank installation and what to look out for? In our tank guide, you'll gain insights into the various steps towards a tank installation. It includes all the information you need to select, use, and maintain the right tank.

Request your free tank guide here

The storage tank is produced according to fixed rules

  • Step 1: The calculation of the tank according to the DVS standard captures every detail without omission.
  • Step 2: Upon ordering, an execution drawing is presented, allowing the customer to make changes.
  • Step 3: With an approved dossier, production of all parts commences.
  • Step 4: Finally, all parts are welded together.
  • Step 5: Quality controls ensure a leak-proof plastic tank.
  • Step 6: Transport and assembly, connecting the necessary safety detectors on-site
  • Step 7: Before using the tank, you must arrange an operational commissioning inspection.

With our telemetry system , it's also possible to remotely monitor the contents of your storage tank(s).

kunststof opslagtanks op maat
kunststof opslagtanks op maat


We manufacture storage tanks for maximum durability. After use, we recycle our storage tanks.

Request the price for your tank(s)

Do you already have an idea of what you need? Fill out the form below and we will provide you with an estimate."

Tank specifications
MSDS sheet of the medium
Please enter diameter (mm)
Contact details

Tips & regulations

BENOR tanks

CGK Group bezit productcertificaat 2016/0002 uitgebracht door BENOR op 29-06-2021.

Op basis van de initiële conformiteitsbeoordeling en de periodieke certificeringsaudits door RAT.con, voldoen de tanks die in het kader van het ingediende toepassingsgebied worden geproduceerd met het BENOR-kwaliteitslabel, aan de evaluatierichtlijn TRA01 (revisie 04) die door RAT.con is uitgegeven. Het toepassingsgebied omvat “Stationaire, drukloze, enkel- en dubbelwandige, thermoplastische, verticale, cilindrische, bovengrondse proces- en opslagtanks uit gelaste platen en/of volwandwikkelbuis voor de opslag van vloeistoffen m.u.v. vloeibare brandstoffen”.

Praktische uitleg en extra’s inbegrepen in dit onderdeel:

  • Productie conform TRA01 (revisie 04) en DVS 2205-1,2. (Toepasssingsreglementen | ratcon2)
  • Er worden uitsluitend gecertificeerde materialen (platen, wikkelbuis en lasdraad) gebruikt. De gebruikte materialen en volledige productie worden geregistreerd via het intern BENOR-kwaliteitssysteem.
  • Dit kwaliteitssysteem wordt tijdens minstens 2 BENOR audits per jaar gecontroleerd.
  • De lekdichtheid van het product wordt getest met vonktest volgens DVS 2206-4. Hiervoor wordt er aan één zijde van een dubbelzijdige las een extra elektrisch geleidende lasdraad voorzien.
  • Er wordt per tank, waarbij opslagtank en opvangbak apart beschouwd worden, één identificatieplaat voorzien met een uniek nummer.
  • CGK Group doet de aanmelding van de BENOR-producten. Na deze aanmelding kan het “Certificeringsattest binnen-/buitentank” afgeleverd worden en hoeft u niets meer te doen.