Service & onderhoud
Together, we ensure that your emergency showers, liquid barriers, safety cabinets, sewer seals, tanks and complete installations meet the highest safety standards.

2. Safety-related inspections
By carrying out regular detailed inspections, we check for potential risks, defects or shortcomings. This allows us to intervene in time and prevent potential problems before they lead to dangerous situations. So you can feel confident about the safety and performance of your equipment.
We can also take care of the 3-year inspection of your tank.
Find out how we can help your company create a safe working environment and minimise risks.
Any questions? Requesting a maintenance or inspection? Send us a message.
Legislation on maintenance of equipment and machinery
It is crucial for companies to meet all legal requirements for the maintenance of their equipment and machinery, not only to comply with regulations, but also to ensure the safety and health of workers. In Belgium, there are several laws and regulations that apply to this maintenance.
- Welfare at work: The legislation relating to welfare at work is laid down in the Welfare Act of 4 August 1996. This act places responsibility for a safe working environment on the employer. It also includes provisions relating to the maintenance of equipment and machinery to ensure the safety and health of workers.
- ARAB (General Regulations on Labour Protection): These regulations contain specific guidelines on occupational health and safety, including regulations on the maintenance of equipment and machinery.
- Codex on Welfare at Work: The Welfare Act was amended in 2008 and integrated into the Codex on Welfare at Work. This codex contains detailed regulations and guidelines regarding the maintenance of equipment and machinery in various sectors.
- Specific regulations: Depending on the sector in which the company operates, there may be specific rules and regulations regarding the maintenance of specific types of equipment. For example, in the construction industry, there may be specific regulations regarding the maintenance of construction machinery and equipment.
Complying with these regulations is not only a matter of legal obligation, but also a concern for the safety and well-being of all employees.