Installatie voor kwaliteitscontrole tandwielen (IGW)
The customer
IGW is a manufacturer of gears up to 5 tonnes and 2 metres in diameter for sectors such as shipbuilding and energy.
An installation with various baths for testing and quality control.
- Each gear requires quality control to uncover any potential flaws in the material's microstructure, such as from overheating during grinding. It's crucial that the gears do not break
- CGK Group designed an installation with 8 process baths in PP and 1 bath in stainless steel measuring 2.2 x 2.2 x 1.2 metres. It immerses the gears in stages: degreasing, rinsing, etching... 1 process bath is insulated and heated, while several baths have compressed air and water. A blower connection guarantees constant circulation of the liquid.
- All process baths and piping are in a drip tray and all waste waters are pumped along a drain into a double-walled tank.This is outside and swallows 30 m³. A suction pipe drains the waste waters to an authorised processor if required. The waste fumes and other odours are captured by an extraction in fire-retardant PPs, in addition to an outdoor fan with sound-absorbing enclosure.
- CGK Group optimised the accessibility of the process baths thanks to a central walkway and GRP gratings with high chemical resistance, low weight and in concave shape. Full automation does the rest: overfill protection for the waste water tank, monitored bath temperatures, variable blower speed, eventual emergency stop...
- The entire project was given a 3D elaboration, making project follow-up and assembly even smoother. A complete technical file with manual and maintenance plan confirmed confidence.